Rehabilitation of Pino Bridge

The Requejo Viaduct-Bridge (Puente de Pino) is currently in service and is a historic reference for early 20th century Spanish Engineering. Designed by the Engineer, José Eugenio Ribera in 1897, its appearance is characterized by the lightness and slenderness of its shapes and it perfectly integrates  into the grandiose Arribes del Duero landscape.

In the one hundred years since it came into service, the bridge structure  has overall remained in an acceptable condition. However, major deterioration in localised areas of the main deck beams had been detected, calling for urgent repair which, as of today, has been concluded. The deck’s drain system has also been rebuilt and the roadbed existing has been replaced by a much lighter one.

Artículo relacionado :

Rehabilitación del puente-viaducto de Requejo (Puente de Pino)